This is day 8 of studying for the pharmacology exam, and I have to say that I have never hated a subject more. Who comes up with these names? I mean really there are only 5 vowels in the alphabet, 6 if you include Y, and in the English language they're really not suppose to string that many together. Like “Iododeoxyuridine” whose brilliant idea was that? It's like I'm speaking polish or something! I've got more then 300 flash cards, and I actually know everything on them, which seems like it should be enough to get me through this exam, and yet... many have come before me, and many have failed. Not just failed to do well on one exam, failed the entire course. Even if I feel like I know what I'm doing now, apparently that has no correlation to how well you do in the course (according to last years class). So what can I do? I’m beating my brains to the point of physical symptoms…. I get a stress headache almost immediately after I start studying. It’s like the stress headache is just part of the program, everyone I’ve talked to has one perpetually and it’s all because of the stupid, irritating, exasperating, frustrating, tiring, maddening, inconsistent, ‘learn things you can look up in a book and never have to know in real life’ PA program. This is just ridiculous; I give up, no more pharmacology.
Rant over.