I have to say that I've really enjoyed my time away from the PA program. It was the most stressful semester yet, and there were times when I wasn't sure I would make it through, but by Gods grace, and by my husbands patience I seem to have made it through (and with better grades then expected).
Normally holidays bring their own kind of stress, but after all the stress of school, preparing for the holidays didn’t feel the least bit stressful. Decorating a tree, making holiday cookies, even shopping was enjoyable. I am really blessed to have had time with my family, and with Morgan’s family. This break was exactly what I needed. Now that I’m back in school I think the stress will return eventually, but with luck it won’t be the same level because the end is in sight. If I can make it through April then I will be done with the academics, and on to my clinical rotations which is what I’m really looking forward to. 2008 seems like it will be an interesting year to say the least.