Thursday, October 2, 2008

Generally frustrated.

I have to say that lately I've been pretty frustrated with life. Things just don't seem to be going the way I planned, and I hate delaying gratification. The most frustrating thing lately is school. I'm on my Psych rotation, and I have to say that I hate it. I don't like the work, I'm frustrated with my coworkers, and I don't know how to handle people who feel so helpless in life that they frequently try to kill themselves. I've been coming home from work so depressed that I end up crying out my frustrations to Morgan, and inevitably I end up bringing him down, and then we're both in bad moods. The one good thing about psych, is that I'm usually so frustrated after work that I go for a run. I find that I can run a lot longer and a lot harder when I'm pissed off, and when it's done I feel mildly better. The bad news is that even though I'm running and biking more frequently, I feel like I've completely stalled in the weigh loss department. I was doing so well for so long, and I am so discouraged to hit a plateau like this. I haven't gone down any since Ty and Beth's wedding. :( I mean, I guess it's still good that I haven't gained it back, and I managed not to gain weight on the cruse which are supposedly notorious for making people put on pounds.
Money continues to be stressful mainly because the financial aid department at school is the most dysfunctional place I have ever seen, and the people there have no idea what they are doing, and they routinely screw up disbursement checks, which messes with my budget. Morgan and I had been hoping to go to Europe this summer as a way of celebrating both of our graduations from school, and making it the transition to the next big step in life, growing up, getting real jobs, starting a family. But with the economy the way it's going, it doesn't seem possible at this point. When I was in high school I was able to travel to Italy for 10 days for less then $1,500 which I paid for out of my summer job earnings. Now, it's hard to even find air fare for that. So that's a big disappointment. I know how much Morgan wants to go on that trip, and life circumstances would be perfect if we could afford it, but that doesn't seem possible now.
Another big strain is that Morgan and I want to start a family, but timing is a tricky thing. Baby and school didn't seem like a good mix so we waited. Now I'm less then 9 months from graduation, and it still doesn't seem like a good idea because I'll need to be working at a job for at least a year before I'll qualify for paid maternity leave, which would be really helpful because we're still going to have loans to pay off.
Top everything off with stupid random stressors like Phoebe getting her spay/neuter operation at the vet. I say 'spay/neuter' not because I don't know which one is which, but because she had both. Literally. The started to do the operation and stopped when they realized that she had the external genitalia of a male... so our cat is a boy.. ok, I can deal with that. But wait, it gets better. I get another call after they're out of surgery, and it turns out that she had both. She had two ovaries, one testicle (the right one incase you were wondering) a uterus, and a stunted penis. So we figure since she had a full girl set, and only half a boy set that we'll still call her a girl, cause it's simpler that way.
The latest thing that's bothering me a little is that I have officially found grey hair. I'm 25 and I am going gray. This is not ok. I consider myself to be a pretty reasonable person, and I don't think that I am normally vain, but seriously? Gray hair at 25? What the heck!!
So that's the update on what's going on in my life. To recap since I've gone on for quite a while: Psych sucks, exercising more, Not losing weight, Not time for kids, Money issues, hermaphrodite cat, gray hair.... Generally frustrated.


Pro said...

If its any consolation to you - I found my first greay hairs at 20... I screamed!!! Oh, well - now I have many more... Welcome, my freind, welcome. :)

milo said...

Things are always darkest just before the dawn. Cliche', I know, but it's true. You're doing everything right. Sometimes the best answer is just to keep going ... keep dealing with the hospital ... keep running ... keep planning your future. Things will break. Making the right decisions will ALWAYS pay off ... eventually :)

Pro and I have canceled more plans than we've followed thru on by a long shot. Because of money, because of time, because of having children. But the good news is that you'll get your turn - we all do.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. (romans 8:18)
