Friday, January 23, 2009


It has been quite some time since I’ve updated this blog. It seems like time has flown by the past couple months. I’ve been hard at work on rotations, and between 60 hour weeks and studying in free moments, it sometimes feels like I haven’t had time to breath. I just finished my internal medicine rotation, and I am so glad to be done with it, I can’t even begin to describe how good it feels. On Monday I’m starting my Pediatric rotation, which is good, but since it’s the middle of flu season, it’s almost guaranteed that I’ll get sick at some point.

Morgan and I have been doing well; we’ve just started up with a new small group at our church. We’re very excited about this group. It’s a better fit for us, the people are great, and the location and time are better, so we feel very blessed to have found them.

We have been passing the time this winter with little projects around the house. So far we’ve made a new shelf area for Morgan’s plants, and reorganized all the plants into nicer pots. We’ve also picked out fabric to make curtains in the kitchen, something I hope to work on finishing this weekend. We’re both whiling away the time till graduation; May seems so far away, and yet, somewhat scary all at the same time. Having both of us graduate at the same time will be very freeing, but it also means the start of some very real responsibility. I am optimistic that we’re up for the challenge.

About a week ago Morgan’s car decided it wouldn’t start, and despite being jumped, we haven’t been able to get it started since. So now we’re down to one car. Our mechanic gave us an estimate on what it would take to fix Morgan’s car, and its past what the car is worth at this point. So now we’re attempting to fit two very different schedules into one car, and we’re finding it a bit frustrating. There is the possibility of a ‘new’ car, but we don’t want to rush it, just because we need it, we’d rather find a good value if we can. So we’re going to keep looking, and in the meantime carpool. It means more time for Morgan reading in the library, and that I’m bringing a book with me to work.

“Patience is a virtue and I want it right now.”